
フラクタルAX FX III – 新しいアンプFASスカルクラッシャー(FW 5.00)
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Excellent Marco! awesome use of Fractal. Talented and awesome player
I'f I come to Italy one day (still in the planning phase of doing an italian cuisine roadtrip ) , I try to match it with one of your tourdates with T-Side
Grande Marco, solo e suoni bellissimi. Che ne pensi di boss gt 100? Ci sono tutorial in italiano? Grazie. Mauro
première écoute!!!! je suis comblé, bon son et super mélodie ; dextérité sur l'instrument a réécouter!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Marco, Can u create a Helix patch or have one with a tone like this.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUdNp2zIsxU ???
Hi 🙂
What sample rate do you use for recording?
Amazing as always, but be kind to share the backing track you are using in this video!:)
Qual è il nome di quella stupefacente canzone?
What is the name of that amazing song?
Immense Marco.
I wasn’t sure how the skull crusher would sit, in the mix of your writing style. You let it build just right, to allow the monster to blend. It’s a little too bright for lead compared to the other tracks, but I know you’re just showing the preset as is. Killer playing, as always.
Very nice, Marco…and FW 5.00? Wow! Thanks for posting this.
What kind of guitar is that ? Beautiful
Wow……. Marco: This is one of the best solo I'm hear from the past ten years. Good job !!! Hugs from Ireland:
Renzo *
Fractal et Lamina vont ensemble ,exploseurs de sons merveilleux ,ne peuvent être mis que dans les mains d'un grand guitariste ,toi cher Marco .❤
Excellent as usual man!