







高評価数: 520 低評価数: 9

投稿日時:2017-07-07 11:10:55





  • Pabitri Kalita 5年 ago

    This was a very simple concept but you made it complex

  • Eric Ellquist 5年 ago

    Good job explaining that, I wish I was as good at understanding it… The two stroke 66 CC bicycle motor with no reed valve and induction through the cylinder would be… somewhat primitive? I see a lot of different kinds of exhaust systems advertised for this motor from the stock muffler through a full range of "expansion chambers" from the mundane to the exotic, with all kinds of fancy names, and I have no idea if they are a waste of money or not, from a performance aspect. It does not say "This one gives you power gains in the low end", or the midrange, or the top end. Then there are boost bottles, Malossi bottles, reed valves…and I have no idea if any of that stuff is worth the time it takes to look at it. I know that expansion chambers and reed valves work. They're in use all over the place. I also know that they have to be tuned to the device they're connected to. So, what gives?
    I read a book about a guy named Walter Kaden, an east German who did a lot of work with two strokes in the 30's and 40's. He worked for MZ if I remember correctly. I was surprised to learn that the early two strokes used in racing were supercharged! Why is this not being done today? It's all a great mystery. The two stroke engine looks to be the benchmark of simplicity, until you start looking at the engineering, fewer moving parts, yes; simplicity? No.

  • volt-age scooters 5年 ago

    10:45 symbiosis the word? I asked you for some help a while back regarding a brush cutter motor that wasn't reaching top rpm. I like to think selfishly that this was made because of me. Lol even if it's not all your videos are very informative and interesting for 2t nerds like me. Always appreciated thanx for putting in all the time and effort you do into making your videos. It's like 2 jobs I can only imagine

  • Saqib Nawaz 5年 ago

    Biggest difference is resonance,at least we learnt dat,much thanx2Great video

  • Chris 5年 ago

    Unsteady gas flow dynamics apply to ALL 2T engines. Its not a simple subject and cannot be explained in a 10 minute video.

  • MrSquareEyes 5年 ago

    Amazing video, terrific explanation. I am just 14 years old and have a 2014 yz 125. I found this video amazing thank you!

  • Ajaxamsterry ajax 5年 ago

    Patreon channel so good to learn,ar u bosnian or poland or what,can i sent my mtr to ur place,im from Kuala Lumpur,and using suzuki 150 txr and yamaha rxz 135 cc here,its froms 1988 until now,two bikes ok.please replied

  • Timber Tramp 5年 ago

    I’d love to see a chainsaw series or basically the biggest gains that can potentially be seen by an “old school” two stroke…

  • Dutch Milla 5年 ago

    Posta video on resonant airbox tuning please focus on how stupid pod filters are esp in piston ports on the low n mid range

  • Lee Turner 5年 ago

    why are rotary disc valve 2 strokes horsepower kings?????????

  • Koray Yüzbaşıoğlu 5年 ago

    and what happens when we add a combustion chamber to a chain saw type 2 stroke engine?

  • caravaggio 5年 ago

    Hello fella, I have to disagree, all internal combustion engines are heat pumps.
    The basic fundamentals of your lawn engine and your GP racing engines are the same, the addition of an expansion chamber just adds supercharging effect. To prove this, pull the chamber off your GP racer, the engine still runs Yes?

    Keep up the videos, they are the most accurate 2 stroke vids on the YT.

    PS, Give my love to Frits and all the others on the ESE thread

  • blkmustang007 5年 ago

    That guy asking you if you are God hahaha…..

  • blkmustang007 5年 ago

    Its amazing how videos like this on principle and theory only get 5k views…… but run a moped on alcohol and boom 100k…

  • Mohammad Farhan Sukarjo 5年 ago

    so in theory a modern hi performance 2 stroke engine would not need any valve at all? amazing!

  • kelco2246 5年 ago

    this is the best tutorial I have ever seen on how the two stroke works
    I am 61 years old
    are you god

  • marcello033 5年 ago

    Very intressting
    Didn't know all this
    I dont get it all in my brain because my english isnt that good haha.
    But good vid man..thanks

  • Benoît Genest 5年 ago

    Very interesting Alex! I hope there will be a follow-up video!


    Awesome video, very well explained! 😀

  • fishingsgreat 5年 ago

    Good job Just curious do you subscribe to (the workshop). He's really good thanks for the vid

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