My FX Impact .22 cal and FX Crown .30 cal legally taking ground squirrels and collard doves with Varmint Knocker and NSA swaged slugs.

FX Airguns Hunting
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My FX Impact .22 cal and FX Crown .30 cal legally taking ground squirrels and collard doves with Varmint Knocker and NSA swaged slugs.
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Awesome vidio. Congrats from Spain for such an incredible footage, and for being a hell of a sharp shooter.
This sucks!! This sucks we ain't friends and I'm not with you in the videos sniping!! Awesome shooting!!!
Anyone suggesting this is inhumane should see what a cow's leg looks like after breaking it stepping into a ground squirrel burrow. This is pest control, plain and simple.
"He thought I couldn't see him. But I did". No shit. Lights out.
Hey can u please tell me which one is best maverick or m3??
2:34. Brutal!!! Nice shooting
Thanks for slow motions!
No helicopter tail with them hollow points.. Nice.
Please we need super slow motion video. Thank you.
2:30 best shot
2:35 “He’s lights out.” No, mate. He’s brains out
your footage quality is amazing
i like the part where he says "lights out"
Excellent shooting. And what a beautifully fine scope reticle you have there. Quite complex. Nicely focused as well.
Are there any living creatures around you ??
That is some nice shooting
Nice work bro
I really enjoy this video..
Damn, you fuckin them squirrels up!!!
Nice job
Lol I love the dramatic music goes great with the exploding heads .
Holy crap 2:28.
What camera mount is that for the gopro?
2:34 WOW
Shooting starlings is not good.
!!!!!STOP KILLING!!!!!
If you are in China, shooting these animals will put you in jail, and possessing this illegal air gun will add one more crime.
Painted the wall with squirrel brains with the first shot.
You gain my like and this coment at the first shot. Great graphic video, I love it.
What is the scope you are using ??
Wow, that much energy would kill a large mammal!
Great video.
Drinking game, take a shot everytime he says lights out
6:07 he is really enjoying his death LOL
Really relaxing!! I love to watch these bastards falling down, one by one! Cant believe you have really shot so damn many critters with such a perfect accuracy! Damn great shooting and a very well done video! Powerful guns in your hand = damn great work (or a cruel catastrophe, from the perspective of your targets :D)
It would be cool to have the inside skirt on 30 cal slugs painted red!
Great Shooting and Super Editing! Thank You
as usual perfection… curious have you ever thought about using a talonp in .25 for anything? I know they can't reach out as far as you'd like but I wonder what kind of potential somone of your skill level can squeeze out of one