手塚治虫文化賞マンガ優秀賞を受賞したこともある、三浦建太郎原作の人気漫画「ベルセルク」を基に描くダークファンタジー3部作の第2弾。愛好家たちにも好評の劇的な展開が繰り広げられる「黄金時代」を中心に、本作では「鷹の団」のメンバーたちがドルドレイ要塞攻略に挑む姿を映し出す。3部作すべての監督を務めるのは、OVA作品『バットマン ゴッサムナイト』の窪岡俊之。鉄壁の守りを誇るとりでを落とすために展開するド迫力の戦闘シーンに目がくぎ付け。
(C) 三浦建太郎(スタジオ我画)・白泉社 / BERSERK FILM PARTNERS
Name of tha movie in english ?
Its out online
any1 know when the eng sub will be coming out?
I really wish they would remake the anime to follow the story-line of the manga. I know it's a movie and they wouldn't be able to fit all the details but it upsets me to see them glossing over so much. I can't help but think their going to wreck the Eclipse.
Hnggg berserk is so awesome
It was an analogy, not a juxtaposition. If you don't know what words mean you shouldn't use them, as it calls into question your ability to assess the validity of any argument.
My point is that "rape" is a much broader term than many people (here) seem to be willing to acknowledge. The princess said "no". That's ALL it takes to make it a rape. It doesn't matter what she felt afterwards, or what her reasons for saying "no" were. I'm not "wishing" it was anything in particular.
Being happy about it afterwards doesn't change what it was at the time. If someone stabs me but I think it leaves a cool scar, the police can still charge that person for their crime. Her reasons for protesting are irrelevant; the fact remains that she clearly stated her lack of consent. "Enjoying it after the fact" is not a valid legal defense. There have been cases where, after years of happy marriage, one spouse will charge the other with assault for something that happened early on.
After they had sex, before her father found out she wasn't distressed or depressed, she was happy. The "no's" and "stop it's" was probably because it was forbidden for them to be together not because she didn't want to. The actual rape by her father made her miss Griffith as she felt betrayed by the king and helped rescue Griffith in hops that he would take her away with him and the hawks. So she was raped, not by Griffith though. If anyone doesn't know what I am talking about, read the manga.
he rapes her and she continue to dream of him from morning to night you have a funny vision of rape victim
She DOES refuse, repeatedly. She says "no" and tells him to "stop it". In just about any jurisdiction that would be considered "rape" or "sexual assault".
Also, "sex" and "domination" are far from being mutually exclusive activities, but in any case I'm quite sure the vast majority of viewers would agree that some sort of "sexual act" took place between the two. He might have been using sex as a means of venting his frustration, but that doesn't magically make it not-sex somehow.
That was not a rape. Maybe he was willing to rape her but she didn't really refuse to have sex with him. By the other hand he was not having sex with her, he was dominating her, trying to push all his frustation towards Charlotte.
Yes he did. She says "no" and tells him to "stop it", but he proceeds. That's pretty rape-y.
But he raped casca.
Who even said that?
if you watched the anime but didn't read the manga part 3 holy crap it will blow your mind 0_0 problem in the anime you think guts forgets his sword but that's not what really happen
wait it's not even out yet and they did kiss, i don't think they wanted to show that in the trailer. if it where rape she would have cried from start to finish.
I got chills just by watching this trailer.
The 2D animation looks fantastic. I can't wait to see this.
てか 蝕のシーンどーすんだろ…
its Caska, not Charlotte.
Yes he does! Pwahaah you DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW!
She was raped helpless & mine broken.
僕は留まることを知らず 再生し続ける
From the looks of it seems like they picked up the story pace. Given what this second arch shows here I wonder how far the third movie will take us post golden age.
Yeah this looks a-fucking-mazing, so much for the "the CGI looks shitty" argument.
Cant wait.
Griffith forced himself on Charlotte but she let him more or less not much resisting.
Re-read that section of the manga–he may come on strong, but it is a very far cry from rape; even to say he "forced" himself on her is still implying much more than what actually happens.
So this looks like the best thing I've ever seen.
LOL. I'm pretty sure it was consensual for both parties, unless your talking about her father and not Griffith.