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This Is How Two Harpy Eagles Nearly Destroyed an Entire Monkey Island
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Enjoy the video friends!
0:30 Republicans
Nothing was accidental about God's creation.
When guerrilla warfare takes flight, theres no monke-ing around.
I think it'll be helpful to all species if you gave these intruding humans and scientists a color. So we'll all know who to look out for. Can someone in the comments help us out. Who's doing all these experiments and habitat intruding? No one could possibly be this inhumane.
Animals communicate through frequencies that humans cannot guess.
YouTube ads are so annoying
Please get rid of this narrator.
What a joke. He ruins every video he's involved in.
No, We did not evolve from apes.. Maybe your ancestors did..
More of a Philippine eagle video.
5:32 AI will translate (all languages)!
My god, what has hell unleashed upon us
An eagle could not kill a bear unless it was a cub
why and how is interfernce entertaining?
These are the watchers.. These birds are extremely intelligent and have higher consciousness..
"predators actually help save pret species survive" No. No they don't. Your last example clearly demonstrates how predators do the opposite of that. It's the same bullsht excuse hunters use to gaslight people about 'helping the ecosystem'. If eliminating individuals helps a species, then simply allow them to fliurish naturally and when some of them can't fnd shelter or food or a mate, they will perosh naturally and harmoniously as nature intended.
And the inverse about feeding wild animals being tantamount to harming them is just as much BS. Feeding them simply helps them. They arent going to lose all of their instincts just because they get some cat food on some old lady's back porch. And if you want to blame the loving old lady for the guy who takes his rifle to the fox who lost fear of humans, then that is simply poor, twisted logic. It is the guy with the rifle who is to blame. Not the nature lover who gave the animal a few extra meals and nutrients to help make up for the food source that encroaching humans displaced.
Urgh I came here to see monkey die not the discovery channel
This really compared an eagle to a grizzly
I think the whole video of the ……monkeys island is a fake, monkeys island simply does not exist
Scientist released predators to hunt what the actual fuck
Grizzly??? Yeah ok maybe a cub if mommy's not there.
What an A-Hole experiment…
Here's the lesson folks "Scientists decided to bring in 2 harpy eagles"
Scientists "we're here to help"
Coons hunting coons. Shame on all of you. Tisk tisk.
When he said an eagle could defeat a grizzly that was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard
Sabertooth gophers
Mariah Carey for Hyena!
Bring back guybrush threepwood !
A lot of mis-information in this video
Tyler Mac here come monkey and deer