#cajun #cajuncooking #cajuntwostep #cooking #howtwo #homemade #grillandchill #moneydude #Louisiana #comfortfood #southern #food #foodyoutube

Free Yard pimp to the community!!!!!
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This man gives you some faith in the USA. He is a top man.
health inspectors freaking out rn
What a great human.
I just put 2 step on some Johnsonville better with cheddar sausages and dang that stuff is good on everything. Should have put some money dip on the bun too.
I'm more surprised this man didn't have a mid day snoozer doing some day drinking. That's some
true resilience right there
Id be out in bed with a screaming wife how I don't do anything around the house after a 72 hour week.
LOL get this man a spoon for them beans
God bless ya brotha God bless you!!! Stale cracker fan fa LIFE!!!
You have to love and respect the Kracker!!!! Awesome guy!!!!!!!!
Can't forget the two step…..
AWESOME !!!!!!!! MONEY DUDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dats money dude
3:15 is my boy carrying a Randall knife??
this guy's the real deal for sure,we are fortunate that he took to social media the way he did. The man is using it and not selling out his beliefs
You need to put links to all your sponsors below the video
Dats Money Dude ❤
I like the shirt
Idk if you get this much but NICE boots!!
Protect this man at all costs
God Bless ya brother, its so awesome to see how much you care about everyone, your kindness and generosity show in all you do. Thank you for the awesome videos.
What an amazing person
Love this work and really enjoy the channel!
Dam dude……my friggin mouth is watering.
Awesome video!
I loved the way u were interacting with everyone in the community beautiful to see
Best one yet. Love to see people getting fed
I love this guy!
All about the community
And dat 2 step
Your a legend sir, big shout out from your Scottish fans
good man mr kraker …..
He loves giving back to community. Such a good guy
National treasure
Lol I like how he wears his gun with his shirt untucked in the "community" lol I would too!
“I aint gon say that.” No need brother no need.
Hands down the only white ppl I’ll eat from is New Orleans facts they kno how to cook
The energy wasn't as high with this one. Doooooood seemed a little tired.