How to kill fleas in your house, cat, dog Etc.

How to kill fleas fast in 30 seconds.
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How to kill fleas in your house, cat, dog Etc.
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From what I understand dish soap and water basically suffocate the flea. Like I can't breathe bro!
Its not the dawn spray alone its already in water. If the flea was on a dry surface and you sprayed it you would have much different outcome
Snap them between your thumb fingernails, don't use the edges. The popping noise is worth the effort and nasty juice stain.
just buy a bunch f lady bugs and centipedes release these soldiers at night they will eat all the fleas
You can also mix dish soap into a shallow bowl and make soapy water and then put a light around it over it and the fleezle jump in and die they just sink to the bottom and they drown
Dishwashing liquid soap kills them? So washing our clothes will kill the eggs larva? Please answer me thanks
It died a nice slow drowing death, felt good to see that, better if on fire, but hey, drowning is good too! As they all should go. I sometimes catch them alive and smash them in my sink with my finger as they crackle apart, that's the way to really get satisfaction, however, any dead flea is a good flea!
I think they need to be immersed in the dishwater put a bowl of clear dishsoap water by a yellow light bulb and they will flock to it kind of a at home version of those flea traps.
Not aware of the consequences i took in a stray cat. in a week the house was full of fleas. and we had more welts and bumps than clear flesh. we tried just about everything recommended to us. we didn't want to spend a lot of money fumigating. well, finally, and quite costly, we had to fumigate. that's what finally eradicated them. sad, and expensive but it works!
it's a "she" by the way. you should look more closely.
Dawn 4X
I have set up flea traps with dawn dish soap for years & wash my dog in it. Plus I make a spay out of catnip to repel them.
A flea don't bother me much at all.its his tribe of the other 5000 that seems to want to turn me into an arsonist.
The guy is murdering this flea on live TV, caught on tape! He has a "thing" with these little devils!
testing dish washing soap an water in my sticky flea traps now the replacements pads have doubled, working better than expected
I put dawn in a foam cannon and sprayed dog pin I hope it gets rid of flea's
Dead fleas are beautiful:-)
Next, I would throw the "dead" in a burn pile
You can kill fleas faster than this with rubbing alcohol but do not use this method on your pets.
Cedarcide spray, borax and water with Dawn. DE on threshholds.
Took 4 weeks of diligent cedarcide application. Water traps out permanently. DE after rain or hosing with water.
This is animal cruelty. You should be ashamed
Vinegar is the best specially if you have pets don't waste your money on poison or quimicos you may kill pets
You talk too much
Washing up liquid kills fleas fast too
All you did was break the surface tension of the water with the soap which the flea was using to swim.
I caught a flea in my hand and tried to kill it .it just wouldn't die no matter how hard I squeezed .
How much soap
To how much water?
Thank you!!
its just sleepleang
I hate fleas, somehow they all over my house and I don’t even have pets :/