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Free Pastalaya giving back!!!!
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not sure i'm on board with the gatorade but w/e, your videos still rock!
Those boots!
I too support free Palestine
What America is all about in this video. DATS MONEY DUE!
You’re doing the lord’s work!
I would love to dedicate my life to doing stuff like that ❤️
God bless, your a wonderful human being. Peace & prosperity!
Das money DOOD!
That food looks good!
Man, you better put your suspenders back on
Not erybody in to being roscoe
Excellent dude!
First video I've seen with no cold natties
I sure hope people that show up to eat appreciate the work this dude does… put that on a cracker DUDE!!!!!!
Never had that stuff but I'm getting hungry.
You bring tears too my eyes. God bless you DUDE!! Money!
Dude is so legendary
Such a great guy just like most Cajun people love you people from a friend in Missouri put that on a cracker dud lol
Oh man, good stuff .
We our so bless to have you as friend and a chef !! God bless you my brother!! Keep it up !!
Matty Matheson style of cooking
Hey brother you are an inspiration. With everything going on in my life I really enjoy your videos and would like to meet you someday. Way to go Dude!!
You're the only person I've seen put Velveeta and cream cheese in their pastalaya….looks delish!
Imagine just walking and getting hit by a flying pan or somthing when he throws it lol
I love this dude! Much love and respect brother stay Hydrated ✊✌️
America summed up in one video
I want to eat that… on a cracka
The boots are clean my dude
The disappointment I felt when he didn’t put it on a cracker
Thats money dude
Stalekracker, Keep doing what your doing bro. I seen one of your videos last week and your personality is awesome, you make me laugh every video while feeding your family and friends. Keep doing you, and you will be blessed thank you sir!