このビデオで私の友人のMa Chandrikanandaと私たちの精神的な道がヒンズー教徒になったのを説明しました。 、人道的奉仕を通して、そして自己と宇宙の内面の次元を探求することによって、人生で私たちの最高の可能性を達成するために、Paramahamsa Nithyananda。

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Hey sister's thanks! For for choosing the best way of life which was followed by your ancestors a few era's or millions of years ago
May the almighty supreme power ( LORD SHIVA) make your vids to reach all the people …..
Looking beautiful on saree
But u can wear Western clothes as well….its completely fine
Now, imagine if they would have converted to any Abrahamic Religion …
Will there be peace ? Or full worries ? Fear of the most"merciful God" ? Or "Rewards" waiting for you in Heaven … What a bullshit Abrahamic Religion spread specially Islam
Christ and Allah, Buddha also didn't give you an answer so sad!
Well you don't need to wear a rudraksha or wear a bindi to become a Hindu.One can practice ones culture while practicing Hinduism.Hinduism doest give emphasis in signs, clothing etc.The emphasis is on finding truth.Well that path is difficult for most people so there are alternate paths like bhakti yoga,karma yoga or njana yoga.Dont get confused by the words.Simply doing your duty as mother,sister ,wife itself is a path in hinduism
Well come to peace religion dear…
Hre krishna
Hinduism emphasises on happiness and goodness while you live your life. After that you just become a part of large cosmic arena as the matter and energy in you get dissolves back to it. So, your conscious life is till you are living. After that no feelings, no suffering.
True religion
That is not " Chandrikananda"…that is Chandrakaanta.
Chandra means moon and Kanta means beloved or spouse.
Hinduism is a culture of liberation..not depression..
welcome to the greatest and oldest religion in the world
May god bless you!
well come hindu religion hindu religion not teach you fight and kill humen being they teach you peacefull life
Looking like revere yoginis…..love n regards from india….Hare krishna
Hinduism is the only religion (In fact culture)
which is not book-based religion, books come into existence by 5000 years ago
through meditation (vedas,
Hindus main aim is enlightenment, Liberation, freedom from birth and death. God
is secondary to them, In the Gita, God guides him (Arjuna) to enlightenment and
righteousness (Dharma) not to stick to him. Hindus are seekers, not believers (
like other religions). Hindus follow karma yoga (good actions). Meditation,
Yoga (union with the divine), self-knowledge (who am I), penance, watching breath
are primary to them and book/s are secondary to them. Other religions concept
is one god exists but Hindus concept is the only god exists in everything and
everywhere nothing else. Hindus say body and mind do not belong to you one day
you have to leave them. Only your real self is yours find out that you ll be enlightened. Hindus say all living
beings are divine. They say both waking state and sleep state are an illusion(Maya).
Actual Hinduism is sanatana dharma means an Eternal Religion
Please also read blogs of Captain Ajit Vadakayil and know more about Hinduism
Google Captain Ajit Vadakayil Sanatan Dharma
I am a Hindu and I feel these two ladies are more Hindu than me :/
Oh wow, I am from SAHARANPUR, nearby HARIDWAR, I am Hindu person, welcome to Hindu religion and congratulations sisters, amitpapermills@gmail.com
Jai Radha Krishna ❤️
Both of you are beautiful ❤️
Welcome to great way of living
Please tell me the7 good results why you guys choices be hundo good pls don't take me negtv just share with others how defnt juess vs kirshan or budah vs Hall
You both are foreigners I welcome you in India
What was the purpose of changing religion? did you find any difficulty in worshiping any god or in meditation in your earlier religion?
or Is it that your Guru denies teachings to the people outside hinduism..? I mean why cant a person worship/meditate within his/her own religion..