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Bake chicken spaghetti
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#cajun #cajuncooking #cajuntwostep #cooking #howtwo #homemade #grillandchill #moneydude #Louisiana #comfortfood #southern #food #foodyoutube
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damn. that looks like some good eats. much love from arizona duder.
I need to buy stock in Nabisco… Or whatever brand he's eatin'.
I'm getting a t-shirt made the kracker made me do
he took that "king of the castle" from borat, he's my type of guy..
Brother I love your cooking videos and I have tried that chicken Spaghetti I can't eat it.
Looks delicious!
Bro I made this the other night and it was straight fire.
Crazy this dude is a fed
Dats how we dooooo!
You notice how he's not throwing nothing because he's inside the house not inside his back shed
I’m legitimately making this for dinner tomorrow night! I wonder if I should debone a rotisserie chicken or shred chicken breast
I would like to see ol kracker make a coubion catfish that is
Yo bro, where is YOUR recipe just like YOU just made it. Thanks and much love man
We need a cookbook
Love the slow-motion clip
Thats a wig n dude is chuggin water if anything.
I new, I’m the newbie but what is the holy Trinity?
Bert Kriecher Needs to do a Co-Lab with the Cracka
This is one of our family favorites!!!
“Its like Worcestershire on tren”
Whys my sauce coughing and jealous of all the other sauces?
On some some cornbread!!!!
Protect this man at ALL costs!!
Pastalaya is next. It looks so good bubble and dublen.
Cracker you inspired me to get out of my cooking rut. I have cooked 5 chicken gumbos in the past 2 months. Also a buetiful batch of greens!!